Separation and Divorce
Separation and Divorce Separation and Divorce Separation and Divorce Separation Separation occurs when you and your spouse/partner stop living together in a domestic or ‘marriage-like’ relationship, and it can happen even if you are still living together, or if one party leaves home. If you never married, but have been living in a de facto relationship, the same legal principles apply. However, applications for property orders must be filed in respect of de facto relationship within two (2) years following the end of the relationship. When you are considering separation it can be extremely beneficial to consult a lawyer to clarify whether your current arrangements are characterized as separation, or conversely, what you need to do to satisfy the Court’s requirements for separation. Divorce Divorce is the legal dissolution of marriage, and you can either apply to the Court for a joint divorce, where both parties agree, or you can make your own Application. Eli...